Tuesday, January 25, 2011

To "On" register globals on windows hosting at godaddy.com

To "On" register globals on windows hosting at godaddy.com

uploaded php.ini file with disred tags
register_globals = On


Log in to your Account Manager.
From the Products section, click Web Hosting.
Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Launch.
In the Content section of the Hosting Control Center, click the IIS Management icon.
Click Recycle App Pool and follow any prompts.
Reload the phpinfo.php page to see if the desired changes have taken effect

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Quary for BACKUP and RESTORE in SQL Server -- Full Backups

# At a minimum you need to verify three things on this screen. First, that the correct database is selected. Second, that the backup type is set to FULL. Finally you need to choose the backup file name. On the Options tab you can specify whether SQL Server should replace or append the backup to the backup file. Keep in mind that the backup file is relative to where SQL Server is installed and not where you're running SSMS

# If you want to issue a backup statement yourself you can use SSMS to script it out for you. Click the Script button at the top of the dialog box and SSMS will generate this SQL statement for you:

BACKUP DATABASE [AdventureWorks] TO 
    DISK = N'\\nas\Backup\L40\SQL2005\AdventureWorks_backup_200702120215.bak'
    WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'AdventureWorks-Full Database Backup',

How to restore large mySQL script file in to mysql server from console using xampp server on linux

## create DB then,
## Login to mysql prompt by using following command

/opt/lampp/bin/mysql -u root  

## then it will redirect to mysql prompt as follows


## then login to require db by using use command

mysql>use <dbname>

## for help


## To restore db kept SQL script file at root folder and run filloing command

mysql>\. <scriptfilename.sql>